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Allgemeine Mietbedingungen der Unterkunft

For a maximum capacity as per your contract 


The rental price includes : a fully-furnished accommodation , amenities (water, electricity, heating) , bed and bath linens (beds are made up prior to arrival), firewood ( in the Châtaignier only) (pellets for the wood-burning stove) , a free WiFi connection, a basic amount of household necessities (toilet paper, cleaning materials etc), a selection of Nespresso capsules, free on-site parking , end-of-stay cleaning.

This reservation will be confirmed on receipt of a deposit of 30% of the above amount together with a signed copy of this contract 

The balance of the rental price will be due 30 days prior to the start of the rental period (unless agreed by the owners ).

Payment should be made by bank transfer. (details below)

Payment by credit or debit card (solely by prior arrangement with the owners) will incur charges of 5% .


A deposit against damage, breakages etc will be payable on arrival.

This deposit may be paid in cash, by cheque or credit card .

On departure and after confirmation that the accommodation has been left in good order the deposit will be returned (at the latest 48h following departure).


The owners will welcome the guests to the accommodation on the agreed date between 4pm and 7pm . The accommodation must be vacated no later than 10am on the agreed departure date (unless arranged otherwise with the owners and stated on the contract) .


No refunds will be made for late arrivals or early departures.


The contract is non-transferable , only the guests named on this contract will be admitted to the accommodation.

No other person may visit or stay during the rental period without the permission of the owner.

The house is not suitable for children.

Pets are not permitted.


Guests must undertake to respect the tranquility of neighbours and other tenants, to maintain and leave the house in good order .


The house has a sceptic tank - nothing should be ‘disposed of’ in the toilets or sinks (tampons, sanitary towels, cotton buds, cigarette ends, paper tissues, products containing bleach) . Guests will be held responsible for any damage to the sceptic tank .


Smoking is only permitted in the garden.


Guests are requested to have and present to the owners on arrival a valid insurance policy covering accidental damage, fire and water damage, theft etc. This insurance certificate should cover all persons named on the rental contract .

Most insurance companies offer this type of holiday insurance if not already included in your house insurance policy.

By signing this contact you undertake to have this insurance and to present the policy on arrival. Failure to provide this insurance certificate will result in a cancellation by the owners of your rental contract.


Guests are required to notify the owners within 24 hours of any faulty equipment or missing items. Failure to do so could result in such items / breakages being charged to the guests on departure.

Accidents happen, guest should inform the owners as soon as possible of any damage, breakages caused during the stay. Repairs, replacement of any such items will be charged to the guest .


The owners reserve the right of access to the accommodation during the rental period to carry out maintenance, repairs etc

Guest must close windows and lock doors when absent from the accommodation.


A ‘reasonable’ amount of firewood is provided between October and May (in the Châtaignier) .  Guests must respect the owners’ instructions regarding fires - a fireguard is provided and must be used to avoid the risk of accidental burns, damage or fire .Fires must be extinguished before leaving a room for the night .


The accommodation will be thoroughly cleaned and all appliances checked before arrival .

Guests must leave the accommodation as found on the day of departure.

Extra cleaning after departure will result in charges being made and deducted from the deposit.


The owners reserve the right to cancel the rental agreement in the event of an emergency.

Guests will be notified as soon as possible in the event.

All monies paid to the owners will be refunded and the owners will not be liable for any other costs due ( transport etc)

Should you need to cancel the reservation for any reason you must inform the owners as soon as possible.

The cancellation date will be the date of written notification( email, text message, letter) received by the owners.

Cancellation charges are as follows:

Up to 30 days prior to the agreed arrival date the deposit will be retained .

After this date the full rental price will be due.

If the owners are able to re-let the accommodation all monies paid will be refunded ( less any charges made for bank transfers/ credit card payments).

The accommodation must be vacated on the agreed departure date and time.

Account details

RIB : FR76 1451 8292 6703 2787 5344 094  - BIC : FTNOFRP1XXX -  BANQUE : FORTUNEO

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